in the article "ARF is stronger than heritage" it is talking about how the turkish government has had very serious meetings over the armenian-turkish protocols. while the armenians have had a few meetings but none that have really been heard by the rest of the world more just in the armenian community. The rest of the world eaither dosent acknowledge the genocide or dosent think its a big deal. There are three different ideas of the genocide one which is that the turks just plain out deny the genocide. another thought on the genocide is by europe which is that it happened a long time ago and that the turkish government now shouldn't be responsable for the out come. Which in my eyes is like getting spit in the face because its basically saying that we should just forget about our ansestors that had to suffer through the genocide. the last idea on the genocide is that it happened it happened to the armenians 94 years ago and nothing happened to the turks. i feel that even though the genocide has happened 94 years ago that the turks now should have something happen to them any type of punishment would make the armenian community happy.
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