My name is Varteni Jamakorzian. I was born in Watertown, Massachusetts and grew up here. However, my mom was born in Lebanon and grew up there. After becoming an adult she moved to Watertown with my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I grew up in the Armenian world. My first language was Armenian, and I didn't learn English until I was 5 years old. I attended St. Stephen's Armenian Day School for 8 years. After graduating, we went on a class trip to Armenia in the 5th grade. I am now in 10th grade, but since then I have been going to St. Stephen's Armenian Saturday school and St. James Armenian Church for Sunday school every week. I go to ABAKA, which is Armenian dance once a week. I am also part of ACYOA, the Armenian Cultural Youth Organization of America. I just love being Armenian and am proud of my heritage.
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